Ahora entiendo
la actualidad del asunto,
porque mis pensamientos
se terminan con enredos.
Eres un poema inconcluso
donde la pluma
ya no cabe en mis dedos.
Now I understand
the reality of the situation,
why my thoughts
wind up tangled in knots.
You are the unfinished poem
that lingers—but the pen
no longer fits my fingers.
Lupita Eyde-Tucker was raised in New Jersey and Guayaquil, Ecuador. She writes and translates poetry in English and Spanish, has studied poetry at Bread Loaf, is a Fellow at The Watering Hole, and was selEcted as a Spring 2018 AWP Writer to Writer Mentee. Her poems have appeared in Naugatuck River Review, Glass Mountain, Baltimore Review, Muse/A Journal, Nashville Review, and are forthcoming in Azahares. In 2017 she was nominated for a Pushcart Prize. Her poems can be found on her website: